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Frist Town Hall, circa 1910.jpg


Dear Friends,
In 2023 we launched our Capital Campaign, The Ghent Playhouse Restoration Fund, in order to preserve the integrity of our beloved performance space. Our initial goal was to raise $50,000 for the purpose of addressing some necessary maintenance to the building’s exterior, as well as having it painted. We sincerely wish to thank those of your who have already supported our efforts! Having successfully raised approximately $47,000, we have been able to begin the upgrades, which include repairing the metal roof on our building, and replacing the roof on our storage shed, which houses set pieces. In addition, we have also been able to address the rotted siding and window trim in preparation for painting. Unfortunately, as so often happens, we soon discovered even more serious issues that require our immediate attention. If neglected, our historical theater building will be significantly threatened.


  • The front entry into the building had to be completely ripped out and rebuilt on newly-poured footings, due to the amount of rot that had developed over the years.

  • Extensive structural issues were discovered, involving our crumbling foundation, which have additionally created a water issue beneath our building that continues to get worse with each heavy rainfall. This repair will require excavation, a partial rebuild of the foundation, and water redirection.

These problems were very unexpected and will be very expensive. So once again, we turn to you, our supporters, for help. Whether you’ve already donated or have not yet done so, now is the perfect opportunity to show your support for the investment we continue to make to he culture of our community.

Your tax-deductible contribution will help to provide a vibrant future for the Ghent Playhouse and the next generation of thespians and theater-goers.

Please consider donating to the Ghent Playhouse Restoration Fund. Your commitment is our success!

Thank you.
The Ghent Playhouse Board of Directors

Donate by mail


The Ghent Playhouse

PO Box 64 

Ghent, NY 12075   

Contact our office 


6 Town Hall Place

Ghent, NY 12075


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Friday & Saturdays  7:30 pm
Sunday Matinees  2:00 pm

$23 Members
$28 Non-members
$12 Students

© 2024 Ghent Playhouse 

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